D&D Made Easy
Drop The Hammer – a guide to magic weapons
Dylan Beckbessinger
April 7, 2020
From Muradin’s Hammer of Justice, The Lich King’s Frostmourne and Diane’s Gideon, to Frodo’s Sting and Elan’s belt of Masculinity/Femininity – many heroes are as well known for their magic…
All you need and more: Tools for the new adventurer.
Lize Eloff
April 7, 2020
We take a look at some handy tools, to not just make your game-play easier and more fun, but can also help you play D&D while social distancing.
Surviving isolation – Playing D&D with social distance
Dylan Beckbessinger
March 31, 2020
Is your D&D table feeling empty? With Isolation and Social Distancing, getting your D&D party together can be hard - but today we're delving into the ins and out of…
Hold My Corona – A Guide to Plagues in D&D
Dylan Beckbessinger
March 19, 2020
With the world watching the spread of Corvid-19, we take a look at how diseases play a role in the world of D&D...
Tell us a tale: A guide to your character’s backstory
Lize Eloff
March 17, 2020
This week we look at the thing that gives your character personality and history: their backstory. Take a look at how to really bring your character to life
Races, faces and distant places: Choosing your character race
Lize Eloff
March 10, 2020
Your character's race is so much more than just the way they look. This week we look at some of the benefits you can gain from choosing the right one.
A class act: Delving into D&D classes
Lize Eloff
March 3, 2020
When it comes to creating a character, it's all about class. We look at how to go about choosing the right character class to suit your needs.
Your imaginary friend: Creating your first D&D character
Lize Eloff
February 25, 2020
We take a look at taking the first steps in creating your first D&D Character.
“Why should I care about D&D?” and other stupid questions – A guide for Noobs
Lize Eloff
February 18, 2020
Whether you've been roped into a game, or just casually curious about D&D and want to see what the hubbub is about, we're here to help you get started.