D&D Made Easy
Chapter 1 – The lost planet
Dylan Beckbessinger
May 31, 2019
So, since there was some interest in reading about my current campaign (using the Star Wars d20 system), I figured a novelisation with some DM commentary would be most interesting,…
All aboard – a ramble on airships
Dylan Beckbessinger
May 1, 2019
Flying fortresses, marauding sky-pirates, or steampunky zeppelins, we've all thought about airships in DnD before. Join us as we delve into the finer details of using an airship in your…
What are the Best Dice Rollers
Richard Eccles
April 1, 2019
This is a loaded question( Loaded?…Dice?…get it?) There are many different rollers out there. There are online/digital and physical towers? We will discuss the benefits to both sides and see…
D&D Dice, Luck or Superstition
Jackie Liebenberg
March 11, 2019
Just picture this; your first session playing Dungeons and Dragons. The excitement, fear, and anticipation of what to expect. In your hand, you have your dice collection, which you probably…
Love is a battlefield
Dylan Beckbessinger
February 14, 2019
With romance in the air, it can be an interesting part of your game - both on and around the table. Let's take a look! Pic Credit goes to Syndara…
Valentines Gifts For your D&D Minded Partner[NSFW]
Richard Eccles
February 11, 2019
The Day For Love? Why not DnD? So Valentines is just around the corner (or as I like to refer to it as “Singles Awareness Day “#foreveralone) and you want…
Session Zero: the birth of the story
Dylan Beckbessinger
January 23, 2019
Your D&D world exists and comes to life before the first dice is even rolled, and the same is true for your characters. Let's look at how to bring those…
Christmas With Dungeons and Dragons
Richard Eccles
December 25, 2018
HO! HO! HO! – Merry Christmas These may not be the words you would normally hear during a DnD session but as it is Christmas, Why not? I have searched…
Christmas D&D Gifts
Richard Eccles
December 20, 2018
Are you ready for Christmas? So, Christmas is upon us. We are all looking forward to that much needed break with friends and family. Hopefully you’ve got your shopping done…